Saturday, July 3, 2010

A Norwegian style picnic

Our school organized a nice picnic/bbq in the park as part of our social program.  All food and drinks were covered by the school.  We met in the courtyard and shared the responsibility of carrying the grocery bags to the beautiful park nearby, St. Hanshaugen.  We rolled out blankets on a grassy slope right by a reflecting pool, just into the park.  Meanwhile, several group members set up the one-time use grills.  These grills are a very popular (if envirnomentally unfriendly) tradition -- especially with the high cost of foods in restaurants.  Bring some meats, veggies, drinks, salads and cook your food on this ready to light grills.  As the flames shot up, I worried a bit about safety.  I also had to fight the Smoky-the-bear induced instinct within me.  "Only YOU can prevent forest fires!"  I worried something would happen, but it was ok.  I did notice that there was a black, charred square under each of the grills when we removed them.  If you look around the park, there are square, bare patches all over the grass -- a side effect of this custom.

At the picnic, we continued to socialize, getting to know people from the other classes and learning about our own classmates better.  We were already friends at this point, as what happens when you live, study and play together in such an intense environment.  Our class was particularly close because philosophy really does bring you together in a special way.  I think my students will really love philosophy if I can teach it right.

[Insert pictures later]

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